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Temperature Data Logger TS01TNFCRA
Model: TempNFC RCA (Rigid Case)
Manufacturer: Tecnosoft
Product Information:
The temperature data logger can be used by downloading data with an Android NFC device (app available on Google Play). It features a button for activation and status LED indicators (running, stopped, OK, alarm).
Key Features:
Anti-Tampering Function: When used with TempNFC RC and TempBLE wall mounts, this feature detects if the data logger has been removed from its support and when. This helps identify or prevent tampering. (Note: This feature is only available on the TS04NWM model.)
Alert and Transport Time Monitoring: Check alerts and transportation time.
Start and Stop Position Tracking: Positions are saved along with travel data.
Data Review: View data in graphical or tabular format.
Additional Information: Includes sender, recipient, operator, notes, etc.
Automatic PDF Reports: Automatically sends PDF reports to the email address specified by the sender.
Cloud Synchronization: Syncs with the TempNFC Ent app.
Calibration Certificate: Traceable Accredia (equivalent to NIST) certification available for one or more calibration points.
Dimensions: 67 x 20 x 97 mm
Weight: 18 g
Temperature Range: -30 °C to +60 °C
Standard Calibration Points (temperature): -30/0/20/60°C
Temperature Accuracy:
±0.5°C without certification
±0.2°C with certification (valid within the calibration range)
Additional Calibration (temperature): Within the standard calibration range
Temperature Resolution: 0.01 °C
Memory: 3,928 records
Functions: LED indicators for status: collection, waiting, out-of-limits
Buttons and Functions: Start check, status, limits
Battery Life: Up to 2 years with a 15-minute acquisition rate
Battery Type: 3.0V CR2032 (replaceable)
Protection Rating: IP67
Software & Mobile App: TempNFC Ent
Requirement: NFC-enabled Android device