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ISO Standard Turbidity Meter
Product Information
The HI93703 is a high-precision meter designed for determining the turbidity of water and wastewater, suitable for use in laboratories. It can be paired with AMCO-AEPA-1 calibration solution for calibration and performance checks. The HI93703 meets and exceeds the requirements of the ISO 7027 standard method for turbidity measurement.
3-Point Calibration
Waterproof Keypad
Measures low turbidity water using scattered radiation (0 FNU to 40 FNU):
The incident light wavelength is 860 nm.
The spectral bandwidth of the incident radiation is ≤ 60 nm.
There is no parallel divergence of the incident radiation, with convergence not exceeding 1.5°.
The measurement angle (theta) between the optical axis of the incident radiation and the scattered radiation is 90° ± 2.5°.
The aperture should be between 20° and 30° in the water sample.
The HI93703 meets and exceeds ISO 7027 standards.
DUC DUONG TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE CO., LTD is a company specializing in providing equipment and furniture for laboratories.
Nowadays, science and technology are increasingly developing, the demand for using and applying technology in practice is increasing. Therefore, laboratories, research centers, scientific institutes ... are also increasingly improving to suit the development of science and technology.
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Duc Duong has been providing many customers with optimal and highly effective solutions in the use of laboratories.
Our company is increasingly affirming its brand and reputation in the field of providing equipment, laboratory furniture and environmental treatment technology.
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