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Especially developped stereo microscopes suitable for various applications in the eduation field and highly appreciated by biologists, entomologists, geologists, mechanical and electronical engineers but also by professionals sush as jewellers and dental technicans
Stereo microscope StereoBlue with binocular 45° head, 2x/4x revolving objective ans ergonomic stand with LED incident- and diascopic illumination
Paired wide field eyepieces WF10x / 20 mm with eyeshades
Binocular 45° inclined tubes and 360° rotatable. Diopter adjustment
Interpupillary distance adjustable between 55 and 75 mm
2x and 4x objective in revolving turret. Magnifications 20x and 40x and a field of view of 10 and 5 mm. Working distance 100 mm. Other magnifications and working distances can be reached with wide field eyepieces WF 5x/18, WF 15x/15 or WF 20x/10 and 0.5x and 1.5x additional lenses
Ergonomic large stand, perfect for hands support. Alloy metal cast and stove hardened off-white painted. With transparent and black/white stage plate. Coarse adjustment with tension control
Illumination Incident- and transmitted adjustable LED illuminations. Both illuminations can be used at the same time
Complete with dust cover in styrofoam case