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The NexiusZoom stereomicroscopes are often used for professional industrial purposes, scientific research and education because of the excellent optical and mechanical properties while very attractively priced
Trinocular zoom stereo microscope with standard magnifications from 6,67 to 45x with metal rack and pinion stand with diascopic and incident 3W LED illuminations
NexiusZoom Trinocular Greenough Zoom stereo microscope
Trinocular stereo head with 0.67 x to 4,5 x stereo objective
WF10x/22 eyepieces in 45° inclined tubus with diopter adjustment
Total standard magnification from 6.67 to 45x
Field of views 33 to 4,9 mm
Work distance 110 mm
Metal rack and pinion stand with diascopic and incident 3 W LED illumination
Delivered with object plate and 2 object clamps
Packed in styrofoam box
The NexiusZoom stereomicroscopes are often used for professional industrial purposes, scientific research and education because of the excellent optical and mechanical properties while very attractively priced
Trinocular zoom stereo microscope with standard magnifications from 6,67 to 45x with metal rack and pinion stand with diascopic and incident 3W LED illuminations
NexiusZoom Trinocular Greenough Zoom stereo microscope
Trinocular stereo head with 0.67 x to 4,5 x stereo objective
WF10x/22 eyepieces in 45° inclined tubus with diopter adjustment
Total standard magnification from 6.67 to 45x
Field of views 33 to 4,9 mm
Work distance 110 mm
Metal rack and pinion stand with diascopic and incident 3 W LED illumination
Delivered with object plate and 2 object clamps
Packed in styrofoam box